
Amor... Sentimiento aleatorio o elección?

A mis casi 40 me siento aún un poco analfabeta en este tema, pero la vida me ha llevado a pensar que el amor no aparece, lo eliges como eliges a tus amigos... Les muestro. Conoces aleatoriamente un montón de gente en la vida. Por la ocasión, el lugar y/o las circunstancias que comparten generas una imagen de esa persona. Esta imagen te invita a desechar o avanzar con una interacción más allá de lo que en un principio los unió... Ya sea trabajo, escuela, deporte, una actividad, lo que sea... Decides dejar a un lado esto y convivir más allá. En esta convivencia, te das cuenta que tienen más cosas en común de lo que podrías haber pensado y entonces se genera una amistad.  A través de la amistad, generas un lazo afectivo y, si por encima de esto consideras que la otra persona es atractiva, ese lazo puede convertirse en un enamoramiento masivo... Una bella etapa donde eres un loco enamorado de la vida, ríes por cualquier tonteria y todo es color de rosa. Felicidad Absoluta!! Si este ena...

5 am Club

As always, looking for improvement... Looking for something different and personal growth, difficult to find on this pandemonium time, I'll be taking part of this 5AM Club movement for a month... Giving feedback of my week every Monday until this thing end up...  Consisting on waking up at 5 am to take advantage of the first hour of your day, just  before sunrise, by  pampering your body and soul with the following activities: 20 mins - Movement.  20 mins - Reflexion & Meditation 20 mins - Self Growth  Seems like owning your mornings generates an impact on your productivity and, in longterm, on your life. Waking up at 5 is not easy so, wish me luck!!!

July is gone...

It’s been a tough month but full of learnings... Thinking about being infected of SARSCov2 made me realized I was living tepidly, WTF Agridolce!!! Why being lukewarm if you are a passionate crazy girl who always give more than a 100% on everything you get involved? Why you are completely lost at work, without a clue on some projects? And the worst thing ever, why are you loving half the way just to avoid being alone?  Being honest to myself, anxiety was killing me every single day... All my energy was set on answering his messages and, deep in my heart, hoping someday he was going to realize I was The One... But at the same time, trying to be realistic, avoiding falling for him because he was not ready for an "us" and we know that means he was not that into me and he'll never be... I started making decisions and taking chances not just to get back on track but to create a new one that fulfilled my needs and make me happy... Because changes can be painful,...

No Limits...

I've made mistakes, a bunch of them but I can't be more proud and thankful of the woman I became... I'm ready to share my path, to share my good and bads, my failures and wins... Ready to share my life and move forward, hopping that 20 years from now I'll be reading this blog smiling with no regrets...  Just as I've been smiling with my 2009 tales... Best, AdriR